
Thursday, August 18, 2011

So that's how he does it!!

Ever wonder how Spidey climbs those walls? He's wearing track cleats - that's how!! Another film that is in the midst of speculation is the re-boot "Amazing Spider-Man". After the terrible third film (vintage review later today) everyone thought the franchise was done. Then there was talks of a fourth film which would have introduced The Vulture as the main villain (apparantly talks were underway with John Malkovich for some time) but then Sony pulled the plug on the film.

Realizing how much money they were losing, the new film has been ramped up as a do-over, with Andrew Garfield (Social Network) as the Web-Head. The suit IMO looks kinda goofy. Again - something like the Captain America outfit - I'd expect to see it in a mall...That being said, Sony has already booked an opening for the SECOND film in 2014!! Trailer for the film follows...

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